Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Let's Play Catch-Up!

Welp clearly you can see that I am horrible at updating a blog. I warned you! For some reason it’s so daunting. Since my last post we passed the 1 and 2 month marks. Crazy I know. Time is flying.   I could write everything here that has happened but that is way too ambitious, so instead here are some quick snapshots:

1. Work is great as always. I won't go on further as to not bore you with my nerdy obsession with databases and numbers. Just know that I love it and am learning a ton. 

2. I am no longer a picky ‘vegetarian’.
            Oh yes you read correctly. 9 years later. It began as a challenge/bet with a friend to never say ‘no’ to any type of food people offered me in the first month and has continued. I still don’t cook it necessarily, but will gladly grab some bacon on an avo and feta pizza. The amount of meat available here doesn’t help this either. And I would like to call out a certain person for never coming through on their end of the bet! Still waiting, you know who you are.  


3. Ran a 10k

The Cape Town Marathon and 10k was at the end of September. Since we all know how great of shape I am in, I thought running it would be a great idea. It was a great idea indeed, not for running (I was sore for a week), but for the experience. Running on the waterfront with other GRSers was fabulous.

Go, Go, Go

4. Push-started a car 

On the side of a main highway too I am no mechanic but when the intern car breaks down good thing we have a lot of hands....those that can change a tire as well as those that can get out and give the car a little push.  All in the name of WHALE day! 

5. Skillz Street Graduation

Skillz Street is the curriculum for all girls. I was able to attend the holiday camp graduation and celebrate with about 80 girls in song and dance. Maybe one of the happiest days of my life. So much energy and excitement.   Video Here!

6. Attended a rugby game

We bought jerseys and pretended to be the real deal for a day. It was great. South Africa vs.       Australia and the Springboks won! Hier Kom Die Bokke! 

Yes, we did buy crazy neon, flower, patterned hats

7. Attended my first overnight music festival

Bonaroo is a thing in the U.S. Rocking the Daisies is the smaller scale South African version. Got to jam out to Alt J, The Hives and I think Hog Hoggidy Hog? Pitched my first tent, not sure I did much to help but hey I'm counting it. Oh, and also had to yell at some people who were very sure that the tent Kmo and I were sleeping in was theirs...all while Kmo was dead asleep. 

I'm not even sure this is everything. I will try to get better at updating this regularly but no promises. Maybe after my trip to Kenya next Wednesday? Oh yeah I'll be heading to Kenya for 5ish days. First Africa semi-solo travel :))) Until then.....

Sharp sharp from Cape Town with love,

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